Showing posts with label exhibitions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exhibitions. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

The Waiting Room

The Waiting Room is an exhibition-proposal to invite participants of the ICAS13 conference to linger through the inquiries of the research programme ‘Youth on the Move: Performing Urban Space in Global South’. Sponsored through the grant programmes of the Urban Studies Foundation since 2023, the project has grown substantially through collaborative networks and intellectual exchanges sustained through the support of French Institute Pondicherry, Humanities Across Borders and International institution for Asian Studies, Leiden and the Lagos Studies Association. ‘Youth on the Move’ investigates diverse and non linear space-time relationships that the youth inhabit and co-produce while navigating urban space across Asia-Africa. ‘The Waiting Room’ is a knowledge-sharing exhibition narrating about 50 stories of youth across Africa-Asia documented in collaboration with the growing network of actors and institutions that have germinated through the ongoing field work and across the region.

Literally, ‘The Waiting Room’ is a place within the conference through which people not only pass by, sit, idle, catch up on breath, take rest, chit chat but also note information, read stories, make connections, wander, contemplate; activating the work of imagination. Metaphorically, it indexes a host of allied practices and subjectivities through which the urban youth perform the politics of living within the global south, navigating the never fully implemented infrastructures, lack of sufficient state support or traverse desires and destinations to escape everyday anxieties. The practices invented to reconcile or circumvent these situations demonstrate modes of enterprise and meaning making, and showcase a liminal situation of becoming, thus bringing the notion of a static space, i.e. the waiting room, in dialogue with that of being on the move.

Imagined as a transitory and fragmentary portal / pavilion within the conference site, the waiting room is a receptacle of multiple temporalities in material and space that hint at the politics of (in)visibility of youth in the region of Africa-Asia. It brings viewers to consider the dialectics of youth-actions and corresponding (un)folding urbanities through stories that may offer new insights into their own practice of maneuvering their respective contexts. In the form and material held within the waiting room, visitors may engage and play, make friendships, maneuver around rules, share information - thus building agency and networks for the(ir) future.


In addition to the above cited institutions, the curators would like to acknowledge the academic support offered by Peking University (Beijing), Tongji University (Shanghai), School of Environment & Architecture (Mumbai), Ambedkar University (Delhi), Geoffrey Bawa Trust (Sri Lanka), DBSA Art Programme (Nairobi) as well as the local partners from Surabaya. Scholars from the above institutions shall contribute to the story-telling and participate in the round table discussion entitled “Linger Longer: Collaborative Engagement in Collecting and Narrating Young Peoples’ Stories”.


Youth on the Move Team
Anuj Daga (School of Environment and Architecture, University of Mumbai)
Min Tang (Tongji University)
Ying Cheng (Peking University)

Advit Kalgutkar
Andrew Adigwe
Anu Sabhlok
Brian Otieno
Collective Research Initiatives Trust (CRIT)
Dream Building Service Association (DBSA)
Dimas Ijat
Dwiputra Rizkyandhani
Ennovate Dance House
Illuminate Theatre Productions
Ka Kin Cheuk
Li Dong
Min Tang
Nadya Perera
Nancy Chelwek
Nisha Nair
Nitesh Patel
Patrick Shomba
Prakriti Shukla
Pranjal Sancheti
Prasad Shetty
Rezza Lellyana
Rupali Gupte
Ryan Herdiansyah
Qidi Feng
Segun Adefila
Shambhavi Bhushan
Studio Immaterial
Tatiana Thieme
Wong Liensheng
Ying Cheng
Yusuf Avci
Zenzo Siamenda

Tasyha Febrycha
Taufiq Ezha Prianto

Site Assistance
Ayos Purwoaji
Gata Mahardik

Anggie Arizal Geovanni
Gilvan Rachmadhany
Lutfiah Setyo Cahyani
Aliyya Azra Amanina
Annisa Rahmatillah
Muhammad Afif muqsith
Sarah Nur Rizqi
Nayla Dewi Putri Wardana
Happy Firnie Nur Khaila
Bryan Setya Darma

A4 Museum
Charlot Ngwenya
Deep Desai
Dimas Kuswantoro
Sunil Jambhulkar

Read more here

The design below was never realized as is, but was adapted to the forces of the site. the drawings below are thus, work in/from the waiting room for The Waiting Room.