Saturday, May 30, 2009

The 5 years of Education

A boy works very hard for his own notes to gain better grades, ends up getting only 25 over 50 with a ‘good’ remark on the notebook while another student (who is the teacher's son) taking the same subject in the same class gets a 40 over 50 without attending the requisite amount of classes.

A girl out of frustration due to limited time to complete portfolio leaves the project on her group members and fleers away to home. The portfolio is completed by the peers till the next day submission date, till when, she doesn’t even bother to check the final work. The project gets the second best grades, and all members (including those who do not work) get the same score. After graduating, the girl asks for the same portfolio for securing a job over an interview.

A girl by virtue of being intelligent does not attend the essential number of classes as prescribed by the college. She misses the pre-final marking date and escapes with no work. She still manages to secure the best score in the internal markings. Others just borderline or pass, though being consistent with their work and attendance.

A boy copies all the notes for a paper submission from his friend, who honestly writes in the answers himself, and gets better grades than the original. The original paper bears the mark ‘Copied’ by the Professor.

A girl dresses up well on the day of the submission and gets good grades and comments inspite of no content or essence in work. Her work is shown as one of the better samples to others in the group.

A boy gets 10 other people to work on a submission, produces enormous drawings and gets promoted in flying colours. Others, working by themselves, are mocked at for not having enough drawings.

A girl is kept behind for a term only because the number of students promoted that year was too high. The same design with minor alterations produced in the next semester is promoted easily.

(others may add to this list)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Parting away with old memories

I wish i could keep them forever...
but had to give up my 'moh' towards them...

all went in the dustbin!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The Eternal Debate

I said, "I am not interested in doing commercial work."
He said, "Do you think any thing is non commercial in this world? So then what do you want to do?"
I replied, "I want to do ethical work."
"It's just a matter of perspective. You have to first earn enough to be listened. You can't live only with imaginations. You have to be practical"

I said nothing

And pondered over this eternal debate of the two words.

Commercial: kuh-mur-shuhl
1. prepared, done, or acting with sole or chief emphasis on salability, profit, or success: a commercial product.
2. able to yield or make a profit
3. suitable or fit for a wide, popular market

Ethical: eth-i-kuhl
1. pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct.
2. being in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, esp. the standards of a profession.

And I thought

Can there be a situation where one is paid for one's imaginations?

After all, it is something which can be ethically commercial or commercially ethical!