Monday, June 01, 2009


Mornings for me are completely charged with emotional and inspirational thoughts. Every morning i construct a story in my head and decide that i will write it down. But the speed of thoughts is so fast than that we write, that i always end up losing many good ideas to write upon.

Some of these ideas are purely graphic...i wish i could draw and explain. So the million and one absurdities that my journey provides me with, every day, are lost. I will try and find a better ways to document them all one day...but i fear that most of the better ideas will have evaporated by then...

I want to express my ideas in motion...because lately i have realised that the dynamics of form is accentuated in motion. At the same time, some things can not be conveyed if motion is not used. Like:

Every morning as i come out of the churchgate station, there is the tempo standing outside the BIG BOX(the station) where fisher-women line up to take up the huge baskets filled with sea food on their heads to carry it to the suburbs of the city. The interesting part, apart from the grace of the act is, i feel, the gang of hovering crows, who, while flying, try and pick up fishes for their day's food from the big baskets on the women's head. I have a whole post to dedicate on this exciting event that happens every morning.

It's very embarrassing for me to take pictures of absurd moments in the city. while this becomes a very easy job for an outsider, i have not been able to capture the above in my past four months of journey to churchgate.

There is another one of this woman, with a cow tied to a tree under which she sits, and sells fodder to the passers-by to feed the same cow. The situation, i feel, is terrible, because the fodder is before the cow's eyes, she knows she has to eat it sometime, but it is only at expense of the on goer that she may be allowed to eat...

The city operates in a similar fashion. People find similar ways of managing their existence. Those are validated somehow. And those who choose other means; well i have another story on that!

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