Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Ghei Chhand Makarand / Translation

Film: Katyar Kaljyat Ghusli
Composition: Shankar Mahadevan
Singers: Shankar Mahadevan, Rahul Deshpande

घेई छंद मकरंद, प्रिय हा मिलिंद
मधुसेवनानंद स्वच्छंद, हा धुंद
मिटता कमलदल होई बंदी हा भृंग;
परि सोडिना ध्यास, गुंजनात दंग


Takes pleasure of the nectar, lovingly, the honeybee
Savouring unworriedly the sweetness, immersed
as it still suckles, the flower petals fold in the bee
Yet unfettered in its trapping, its hum-buzz persists