i wonder what happens to those who choose not to be a part of this worldly 'mess'. while my reading of 'maximum city' introduces me to more and more mess all around, it is difficult to understand if there is no option other than getting sucked into it. what does one become if not mess. and even if you are not a part of the mess, you will be always identified as its part - because for people on the other side, its always the other side which is the mess.
i am worried -
i am worried if i too will end up messing myself! that will be terrible.
it makes me feel happier to have done a project which pokes the mess. now, i all the more believe in the theory of mess - the world is a cinema for the blind. it is a temple for an atheist.
can one only live for oneself then? the purpose being that of the sea gull - survival. as prarthana and me were discussing the other day, all discussions can be rooted in two basic purposes in life - pleasure and fear. and when there are people who have broken these ideas in their lives; they exist like polarised elements - the inexperienced as nascent and unstable, and the experienced as settled stable particles. they do not contribute, they donot adapt - they just are - just!
Hey Anuj...
Don't you think the question 'Can one only live for oneself then?' is also a product of pleasure and fear...
and I don't think one can break these ideas... Yes their are people who follow these ideas in an unconventional way and appear as polarised elements...
Actually what i meant by that question was that can we exist like seagulls - whose entire existence is defined by flying and eating. they have no purpose other than survival. can human beings, though having a developed brain, can do the minimum - just to survive and not get into the mess around them...not think, not act, not create, not do anything?
i hope i am clearer there now...
Ya... you are right...
But i think thats the whole fun part of human life, that we have developed brain...
In this race of survival with other species we as humans have developed our brain. and the mess which you see around is nothing but the attempt of survival.
SO at the end i will say that Mess is not a question but an answer it self....
that was thoughtful...
hm..i will think over it more
i still wonder then why is this tremendous urge to 'undo' so many things...to go back...to transform?why?
so are we over developed or underdeveloped? my mind is a mess right now!
The question is not about over developed or underdeveloped? The Mess was always their... and it will be... No one can stop it... but I guess one can control it up to a certain level....
The individuals who realize the presence of this mess, sometime thinks that this mess is a result of some actions in past and then they attempt to undo or transform those actions.
yes..and isnt there something foolish about all that...because in the end, we realize that instead of controlling the mess, these people who want to control themselves have unconsciously contributed and added to the mess...
the result..as you say is always the mess!
ah! sigh!
I never said that....
Because what you are calling as Mess... I don't consider taht as Mess...
Ya.. It is something which is complex and complicated but not a Mess...
It depends how you look at it and that will change the way in which you want to deal with it....
for an idealist who thinks that there could exist an 'ideal' world - all this that is around is indeed a Mess. So yes, this complex and complicated thing, is a mess ACCORDING TO ME. I will end up contributing to this MESS!
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