Monday, April 18, 2011

Building New Grounds

Atul Mhatre | Akhil Kapadia | Anuj Daga | Rohan Haksar                                          
Project 4
Architecture’s preoccupation with land as its primary resource for operation has led to sharp rise in the density of built form in cities. Mumbai’s land resource has almost been exhausted due to immense pressure of development. This has resulted into either creation of more land (by ways of reclaiming the sea) or sourcing alternative land on the outskirts of the city. Living away from the city creates difficult movement patterns and people prefer to be closer to the city core. Under such circumstances, can architects not look at new unclaimed “territories” to build?

How do we conceptualize living conditions in new ungrounded context? The project aims at exploring resources other than land for manifestation of architecture. 

Following a short research on non-territorial contexts, the project aims at building a dwelling for a family (1-4 people) which exists an any resource other than land surface. This dwelling, although dependent for its basic existential supplies on land, it could perform independently allowing the dwellers to connect to the ground. The project tries to investigate inter-terrestrial relationships (relationship between land and water/air/underground). In doing so, one would also look into the physics of matter, how it influences form and what new conceptual technologies and opportunities can be sought for architecture in the future. Issues of sustainability and generating basic energy for sustaining the dwelling remain open subjects to engage in during the design process. 
My ideas for the project: (to be elaborated over with more diagrams)
copyright anuj daga

Ofcourse the ideas below have some conceptual errors, but as ideas, i think these can be developed into potent architectural strategies. More than that, I have enjoyed rendering these and placing them in urban context, although they are almost devoid of them being in air or water or underground.

The idea below (the bubble) works on the principle of controlling the air pressure to create pockets of space for different activities.

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