Thursday, August 14, 2014

New Terms, New Discussions 2

Water-cooler conversations: Random trailing conversations that take place over a cup of tea in India, resulting into spaces like the adda in old Kolkata, or the katta in Mumbai happen near the water-cooler in offices in the USA. While much limited, these conversations are thus called to be "water cooler" conversations.

Apple picking: The burglary of products like i-phones, i-pads and so on, manufactured by Apple. Apple picking is a famous phrase in college campuses like Yale (read city of New Haven) that are notorious for its crime rates and thefts. The phrase is a take on the activity of picking real edible apples that people engage in within the US countryside farms during the apple season.

Gamification: The process of turning different activities into a model of gaming in order to learn or de-learn aspects of a practice is called gamification. More can be found on wikipedia.

Paper Publications: My cousin informed me how 50% of peer reviewed papers published in journals are bogus and that there was as study where experts involved in this survey were not able to replicate the experiments under the same conditions, as published in the journals. The paradox of this system is that professors and doctoral students can prove their credibility only by research and publications. Under sure production pressure, tremendous amount is published, much of which is hardly re-traceable. Re-check your beliefs the next time you read, "A recent research from Yale / Harvard / MIT shows that..." It might just be a sample set that is carefully curated for a desired result, or else, a well worded paper hiding its biggest flaws!

On Positive thinking: Another recent book documented that it has been proven that the typical understanding of 'positive thinking' is actually foolish, since it is a fake mask one makes oneself wear to feel good. Being optimistic is different than positive thinking.
To constantly keep telling yourself that you are good is not necessarily the way to go about boosting.
On the other hand, for all we know, pessimists are more realistic people, because they take their decisions based on facts and real circumstances.
Read more here.

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