Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cabinet of Curiosities

Graphics & Representation:

We are trying to open up worlds of the self through the construction of cabinet of curiosities - a concept used by the people involved in the knowledge production during the Enlightenment period, to store objects which couldnot be classified then into any branch of knowledge.

In our graphics class, we aim to reconstruct the self through these curious objects we collect and understand why they stayed with us for such long time and the way they become our extensions to represent ideas that we can not express through conventional means of communication. The unspoken and unexpressed aspects of our personalities take form through the objects we collect. Often filling up our cabinets, these curiosities allow us to dig further into our idiosyncrasies and the way we use them to cover up our insecurities, likes, dislikes or emotions.

Lets see where we go with this idea.

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