Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Thesis Tidbits

Process / Cinema for the Blind:

These are some discussions that I had with all my faculty during my thesis. I realized that I hardly have ANY process drawings for my thesis. While I looked into my older files lying in my cupboard today, I found this file where I had preserved neatly all the papers that I scribbled on for 2 years.

That is a lot of writing - most of which seems absolute useless. However, what I do realize is that I wrote - whether it mattered or not - i kept clarifying myself and wrote. Lot more things. But here I put mind maps with:

1. Padma Desai

2. Prasad Shetty:

3. Madhumita Nandi:

4. Myself.


Unknown said...

Nice that you have put up the developing drawings for the project ..can you please post the final drawings also ? after reading your ideas ,it's quiet exciting to see the final outcome..!!

Anuj Daga said...

asmita, you can find my final work at the RIBA Presidents medals website. The link is also available on aoamumbai website. I remember your request on posting some stuff from vertical studio too...havent been able to compile anything yet. I shall post something more hopefully in some time...

Unknown said...

i saw those... both entries fron AOA ..both are your simplicity of presentation...