Monday, May 07, 2012

The guilt of vacation

earlier title "On Defensiveness"

Now a days, students are extremely defensive. When you give them suggestions, they immediately have an answer that 'but i dont want to do this'. In the past few weeks I have experienced this multiple times from multiple students. Many come over the vacation to ask how they must best make the use of it. Generally I suggest them to go out an explore different programs outside the architecture school, meet people outside their domain and see if they can find any interest in things more than architecture. When I tell people that one could try photography, music or learn even sketching at home, they do not see any value in it. They discard the idea right at the outset. They portray as if they know what they want to do. But if that was the case, they would never come to seek guidance from you. Then, the questions that arise are whether they really want to engage themselves in something or whether they just want to portray that they are concerned about the free time they have and that they must make some productive use of it. 

Try giving them an option of going for an exhibition or a free film screening and they will be all ready with excuses of escaping the idea. I guess, psychologically they are looking for people with whom they can spend time chatting or gossiping. Hence they approach a number of people to talk about heir pseudo dilemma. The talk is strained and stretched through the discussion of why an how they would not prefer a suggestion you open up for them. At the end they would say: okay I will think about it; and then they would leave.

When you look back at the situation, you feel you helped someone clarify. But most of these people donot bother about the content of the long talk you have with them. Actually, they have just had a good chatting time with you. But one wonders if your suggestions have confused them or helped them towards making a decision... 

Lastly, when confused, I have always blindly followed people whom I respect and seek guidance from. I do not question my guide when I am confused myself. I agree and execute the suggestion given to me. It may so happen that you do not end up liking what you did. But the engagement definitely leaves you with an experience and some amount of skill which reflects subconsciously in any work you take up in the future.

If as students, we understand our position as students, it would be so much more beneficial. Whats the point of arguing over an aspect that we ourselves are unsure of? Or else we must make ourselves clear of our agenda to kill time during the vacation. It is legitimate to do so for vacations an must not induce any factor of guilt.


Unknown said...

change of title????

Anuj Daga said...

yup. I keep rethinking all what i write.

however, as it may suit some others, added the older title too in the post.